Drywall Tools Authority

Does Quality Count? If you are tired of confusing websites, gimmicks and hidden costs, give us a call at R.J. Tool Co. We work with the most established dryall taping tool manufacturers in the world to provide the best possible quality, value and service.

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Location: Nevada, United States

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Drywall Taping Tool Maintenance Tips

We hear a lot of different words describing automatic taping tools. For example, an automatic taper is also called "the gun", "the tube"or "bazooka". Angle heads may be called "glazers", "corner finishers", "corner flushers", "wings", "corner heads" etc. Flat boxes can be "flat finishers", "flat flushers" or simply "boxes". And how about corner applicators? Try "angle box", "angle applicator", "corner flusher box", "slop box", "hockey box" etc.
Whatever tool you are working on or what you call it, there are a couple VERY IMPORTANT GUIDELINES for maintenance success:
First- Most of the screws and fasteners on drywall taping tools are small and DON'T REQUIRE EXCESSIVE TIGHTENING FORCE! In most cases, snug plus 1/8 turn is plenty to keep a screw tight.
Second- Many of the small screws used in taping tools are available at hardware or automotive stores, BUT it is extremely important to choose STAINLESS STEEL when purchasing your fasteners. This will avoid corrosion that happens after a tool is subject to the water and moisture of general working conditions, as well as making future repairing and rebuilding far easier!
For specialty STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS, see our websites www.tapingtools.com or www.tipsfromthetooldr.com for contact and ordering information.