Drywall Tools Authority

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Angle Head Terminology

What's an angle head?
Depending on what part of the country you're in, or what you are used to calling them, I've heard "angle head", "corner finisher", "glazer", "wing", "plow", "corner flusher", etc.
Whatever you call your drywall angle "thing", the most important aspect is that it's running properly!
Other terminology I encounter when an angle head is not operating properly are "edges" and "trails."
These conditions occur when the blades & skids are not set properly in relation to each other. Technically, the skids (or side blades) should be .002" lower than the main blades, or a "thumbnail click" difference.
If the skids are too much lower than the blades, you will get "trails", the mud feathers to the edges and then leaves a trail behind the angle head.
If the skids are higher than the blades, you will get "edges"- the mud does not feather at the edges and leaves thick mud that needs sanding.
All the settings and explanations are available on our instructional Cd's at www.tipsfromthetooldr.com or www.tapingtools.com
Check them out for happy angle finishing!

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